eclipse season (2022)
October 20, 2022 - November 27, 2022
Every year we have 2 eclipse seasons - this year we experienced our first eclipse season in May with a total solar eclipse in Scorpio & a total lunar eclipse in Taurus.
The second eclipse season of the year starts October 20th and runs until November 27th. We will have a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio and a total solar eclipse in Taurus. This will bring back to the forefront things that you may have faced during the first eclipse in May. Eclipse seasons are known for accelerated growth, so lean into this energy! It sounds scary, and it can be to grow so quickly, but remember that on the other side you are stepping into your higher self & a higher vibration.
Don't worry though, not all these changes will happen during this 37 day period - this period will just illuminate where you can grow. Once you acknowledge that, you can spend the next 6 months really focusing before our next eclipse season begins.
The lunar eclipse in Scorpio is going to ask us to leave behind chaos. What causes you stress or feels out of control? Once you answer that question honestly, begin to recognize how you can mitigate those feelings. Use the energy of the Taurus solar eclipse to make those movements in a grounded way.
With a solar eclipse in Taurus, you'll be asked to slow down, ground, spend more time at home & learning to get along with yourself. Taurus represents simplicity - where can you simplify your own life? That could mean relationships, it could mean belongings, it could just mean figuring out a system to cut down the amount of decisions you make every day.
You can see how though Scorpio & taurus are opposite on the astrological wheel, they are actually quite similar & work in conjunction to highlight themes & take next steps to begin to heal. a hard look.