aries SOLAR ECLIPSE (2024)
april 8, 2024
Today is the solar eclipse! You’ve probably been seeing it all over the internet, and it’s because Eclipses are a portal to allow magic to occur
New Moon’s are not a time to actively manifest, but a time to reflect on your wishes and goals and allow the Universe to take over where it can.
During the Eclipse, take a moment to embrace the stillness. Use this time to take inventory of your life. What are you grateful for, where would you like to grow?
While the world is in shadow, you may also feel your shadow side begin to creep out. You may recognize your own patterns that your subconscious has been hiding from you. If you’re reading this before the eclipse, you may already be seeing these patterns and you may feel them for days after.
Don’t shy away from these patterns as you recognize them. Instead, embrace them and use them to propel forward. These patterns & revelations can be like a guide book for you. Which habits are holding you back that you’d like to change? The Eclipse will push us forward in areas that are stagnant and need some extra energy behind them.
As always, check your chart to see which areas of your life may be affected!
This eclipse is a moment of reflection. Some astrological events are calls to action, where this eclipse is a moment to allow pause, breathe, relax, restore & reflect.
Use the next few days to let the Universe guide you. When this Eclipse cycle ends this Fall, look back at where you are today and where you are then. Though this isn’t a time to actively manifest, it is encouraged that you keep some sort of record of what is happening in your life right now. This could be journaling, a video diary, pictures etc.
This will help you recognize the changes that occurred this year when you look back. When you co-create with the Universe, your life can become unrecognizable.