April 19, 2024

Taurus Season gives us the opportunity to take the energy from Aries Season and give it somewhere to plant.

During The Moon & Your Mind episode that’s dropping next week, Seraphina Capranos mentioned the beautiful idea that Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, may really be ruled by the Earth. Taurus is the first Earth sign of the Astrological Year, and it is rooted in finding joy in the mundane. Where can we find pleasure in our routines?

Taurus is full of beautiful, grounding energy to balance out the fiery energy of the astrological new year. It is bringing us back down to Earth.

Taurus Season encourages stillness. It encourages meditation, it encourages us to sit near our favorite tree and just ponder life.

It reminds us to find the beauty, even in the hard parts.

While Aries season may bring us lots of energy & ideas, Taurus season helps us prioritize those ideas and focus on what’s important. What are the changes we can make during this season that will have the most impact?

Taurus season also carries a theme around security. The bull of Taurus season reminds us how we can create our own security. Relying on others is not a bad thing, but we need to be able to rely on ourselves first.

Taurus season challenges us to answer - How can we cultivate trust within ourselves?

My advice this season is to spend as much time outside as you can. Let the wisdom of the Earth guide you during this time


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