october 14, 2023
As I’m writing this section, I’m currently sitting passenger side as we drive through the middle of nowhere Florida on a 35 hour drive to Las Vegas. I’m hoping to catch a glimpse of the eclipse through the window, but so far it’s cloudy - fingers crossed!
Just because it’s cloudy though, doesn’t mean the energy is any less powerful.
This current Eclipse is connected to the Eclipses we experienced earlier this year. As with most of Astrology, there may be a pattern between what was happening in your life in April / May, and what is happening now.
For me, something that stands out is that last April I decided to take a month off of drinking to focus on my health. Now, we are back in our second Eclipse season of the year and I’ve decided to take a longer break (3 months) from alcohol.
Eclipses are full of realizations & revelations. The Eclipse energy will show you where you may need to create space to allow expansion in your life. It may show you what’s been hiding, or what’s been obvious but you’ve been ignoring.
This particular Solar Eclipse is asking us to have a conversation with the energies of Libra & Aries. Where are you making yourself small to make others comfortable? Where is your ego stopping you from asking for help?
Take inventory of your relationships - which relationships elevate you & which ones are holding you back?
Is there a recurring thought you’ve been having, but you’ve been ignoring it for some reason? Perhaps because it’s difficult, or your scared of the outcome? If that’s the case, this is the time to dive right in! Speak up for yourself, stand up for your beliefs, ask for help where you need it.
Let’s remember that we’re all connected in this world. Be kind to each other, and offer each other empathy during these major energy shifts.