full moon in scorpio (2022)

May 15, 2022

Are you ready for change? This full lunar eclipse may hit you over the head with information you weren't expecting. Where New Moon's are for reflecting & goal settings, Full Moons will give you the energy you need to get over the finish line.
Having the full moon be a lunar eclipse - expect those changes to come quickly & full of power.

Whatever messages the moon delivers this eclipse season, understand that it is in your best interest & the detour will put you on the path you belong.

Practice opening yourself up to the idea that a lunar eclipse is a nudge on the right path from the Universe. It will be very difficult to go against the energy of the lunar eclipse. It would be in your best interest to find the path of least resistance forward & begin to create your new life.

Scorpio is one of the most transformative signs in the zodiac. Having a lunar eclipse in Scorpio will bring us magic, intensity & power. All words you associate with Scorpio. Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) is always asking us - how can we use our magic to transform ourselves? Focus on shadow work during this time, but always remember to be kind to yourself.

This eclipse will remind you of your power & how to wield it safely, as long as you are willing to put in the work.


Taurus new moon (2022)