Taurus new moon (2022)

April 30, 2022

This Taurus season brings us our first eclipse season of the year! On April 25th, the sun will land within 17° of the North Node, bringing us our first solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th. On May 15th, we will have our lunar eclipse in Scorpio, with eclipse season ending on May 30th.

A solar eclipse is a powerful New Moon that sets us off on a new path. New Moon's are known for energy & potential, a solar eclipse has that energy tenfold. Within 24 hours of peak time, make sure you take some time & write down your goals for this eclipse season. Since we're in Taurus season, they may even relate to the safety, abundance & gratitude I mentioned earlier.

Release old habits, emotions, behaviors, & reactions to allow for new ones to come into your life. Use this energy to rewrite your story.

Stay grounded, and stay open to messages from the universe. If you feel compelled, act on them.

New Moon energy can be very overwhelming, so take extra time to meditate or go for a walk April 30th. Allow yourself to create the space you need to receive those pings.




full moon in scorpio (2022)