TAURUS solar ECLIPSE (2023)
April 19, 2023
This Eclipse season (ending in May) will bring us to the end of an 18 month Taurus/Scorpio cycle.
Eclipses are powerful, and you may actually feel pulled to not do anything - no manifestations, no intention setting, no rituals. And that's OK - because the Eclipse will give you the direction if you're willing to accept it. (That may be hard for some of us with fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius! )
Taurus teaches us to slow down & nourish ourselves. This is a good reminder because in a few months the Nodes will shift into Aries/Libra where we will be confronted with how to care for ourselves while also caring for every one else.
Remember what the last 18 months have taught you - what brings you joy? How can you center yourself when every one else seems to need you? What self care practices do you continually go back to?
And if you don't have the answers to these - that's ok! There's always a fear that we're missing the boat if a season ends and we feel we haven't learned the lesson or taken what we're supposed to from it. Every season of the zodiac & of our lives builds on the last one, leaving us opportunities to always learn.
Ultimately, what we need to remember during any Eclipse season is that transformation in our lives is inevitable and these Eclipses help speed up that transformation. It may be scary - but stay grounded, hold your truth, take the time you need to grieve & accept, but know that if you are ready to accept your new path your life will become THAT much more fulfilling & you'll be one more step closer to your purpose.