April 5, 2023
If you are anything like me, it took you some time to find the energy of Aries season. But we're about halfway through, and it's starting to hit me finally! I'm back in a workout routine, training for a 5K, and looking at ways to expand my business & bring more value to my audience!
This Aries energy is focused around the individual and how you can improve your own life.
Today's Full Moon is here to remind us that while it's important to focus on ourselves, we can't forget about others.
Think of it this way - you've spent Aries season figuring out how you want to show up this Astrological year, and now it's time to show the world & use your powers to help others!
Use this Full Moon to reflect on how you want to show up for others - friends, family & partners.
Libra also reminds us of balance. So even though you may have all this energy during Aries season, things may get in the way or you may lose motivation on some days. Libra reminds us THAT'S OK!
Life is full of ups & downs, this Full Moon is a gentle push to find our center, stay strong & forgive ourselves or those around us who have fallen down recently.
Forgiveness is difficult - share with me how you embody forgiveness in your day to day!